Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Break

So Thanksgiving break is fast approaching, and I honestly cannot not wait.......... for it to be over. I like spending time with my family and whatnot, but they drive me insane, and I really don't like being around them for long periods of time, save my brother. But I have to go home, I have no other choice. Not only would my family chew me out for the rest of my natural life (yeah, they'd haunt me as ghosts), but my dorms are closing. So I'm going home. But I plan on spending as much time with my brother as humanly possible, even if I'm forced to have a headache from him pounding on suitcases pretending they're drums, and even if he has to kill me half a million times on James Bond video games. I love my brother, and I need to spend more time with him.

But there are some things I still want to do at home. Like have Thanksgiving at my grandparent's house. It's always been our tradition, and really it would be a shame to break it seeing as this is my first year away from home, and I'm still in the adjustment period (not really, but there's no better way to say it). That, and it gives me an excuse to see my grandma, something I really don't look forward to seeing as my grandma is a racist bitch. I know she's family and I should love her faults as well as the rest of her, but really all her faults do is make me want to tear my hair out and jump off a really tall building.

Also I have to spend time with my dad otherwise he'll go all psycho on me and guilt trip me until I cry. I'm serious, he's done that before. But I'm looking forward to the video games. I love me some video games. And that's all I can think to write.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Veganism 101

So... veganism. It's great. A lot of people are curious about it, and want to know more, but others view vegans as 'freaks', or sometimes, stupid, deprived, idiotic, and sometimes even..... egotistical. Do vegans think they're superior to omnivores? Well... it really depends on the vegan.

Some vegans do believe they are superior and will spout off all the good things that come from being vegan, and how much better it is than being an 'omni' and how awesome it is. Some of that is to persuade others to be vegan, but still others are doing it just to feel superior. Like the fact, "It's impossible to be a fat vegan." Veganism is a healthy choice, and it is indeed impossible to be a fat vegan, but that's because we don't eat as many fatty foods as omni's, such as... steak, chicken, pork, milk, cheese, eggs...

But some vegans actually are in it for the love of the animals, and not to feel superior, and most of those types of vegans don't. Factory farms are horrid things that torture animals before killing them and selling them in grocery stores. Such as chickens. In a factory farm, a chicken will lay one egg every 48 hours. That is not healthy. And when a chicken stops producing eggs, it's killed and sold in stores. And the meat isn't tough, because the chicken isn't old. And when the eggs are actually allowed to be fertilized, the ones that turn out to be roosters are thrown in dumpsters, half of the time still alive.

Really a vegan's mission is to convert omnis to veganism. They give out information, and literature, they recommend books, and movies, and will tell others about their choices, and the benefits, also how many animals they save on average just by not consuming animals and animal by-products.

So just to clear the air, some vegans do think they are superior to omnis, but those kinds of vegans are only a minority, and are vegan for health reasons. Most vegans genuinely love animals, and that is why they don't consume them, or their by-products. Not only are vegans not fat, but most of them are nice, energetic, funny people; normal, just like any omni.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Time To Rant

I just need to rant about this, because it bugs me whenever someone says this. I'm a vegan, and there are certain facts I know about my dietary choices. Such as vegans taste better, and if a guy goes without eating meat for a day, he tastes better. But nooo apparently I just got that off a 'biased vegan website.' Because meat eating sites, and things written by omnivores aren't biased. Yeeeeahhh, k then. It bugs me, because vegans don't lie about shit like that, it actually causes a step BACKWARDS from the actual goal; converting people to veganism, and saving more animals. Yes, we're going to lie, so you can find out we're liars and stop being vegan. Yep, sounds like a great plan to me.
Okay, I'm done now.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

You Spin Me Right Round

I just got finished listening to episode 106 of the Veganfreak podcast. As usual it was amazing, and inspiring. I wrote a drabble (A short story that is exactly 100 words), and I think it turned out pretty good. I love writing drabbles. But at any rate, I have discovered a band. True, I discovered it through the podcast, but it still counts. I have discovered Propagandhi. They are amazing.

Propagandhi is a rock band, and their songs are about political issues, even veganism and why it's good. The singer was interviewed on the podcast, and I was amazed, and awed at some of the stuff he said. He talked about how he took his six year old neice to a hockey game, and at the end they played the national anthem and soldiers repelled down from the rafters, and Chris's neice (The lead singer's neice) asked why the soldiers had guns. I don't know about the rest of the world, but if soldiers repelled down from rafters with guns, I'd be scared shitless. Yet most of the people in the arena were cheering. It's... incredible, and stupid, and something that I would not appreciate. Keep politics out of my sports dammit!

I also discovered what the inside of a McNugget is before it's fried. It's like a liquid. I nearly threw up. For serious, that's just gross. I hate McDonnald's with a fiery burning passion which I reserve for only certain people. And then there was a portion of the show where Bob talked about how this woman called 911 three times because McDonnald's ran out of Chicken nuggets. How pathetic. That is completely misusing the 911 service for a completely idiotic purpose. "Oh shit, McDonnald's ran out of nuggets! Someone call the police, this is a crime man!" No. A crime is when someone shoots someone, or someone robs a house, or what have you. So stupid.

The more I learn about the world I live in, the more I wish that I could stay locked in my house 24/7. *Sigh* Humanity.... fails.

Still suffering without Sing The Sorrow.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Orange Crush

I felt like writing another blog. Spring break started today. I'm pretty happy about that. Ashes made a video of our exploits in school today, and it was pretty fricken' good. She took a couple pictures of my butt, which makes me somewhat uncomfortable, because one of them ended up on youtube, but that's okay. I wanted to make a video with Orange Crush, but youtube is gay and wouldn't let me, so I cried. Well, maybe not cried... exactly... But I was not happy.

I'm in the mood to bake, and I don't know why. I still want to make that Mushroom stroganoff. It's really super good. But I don't know what I want to bake, I just know I want to. I found my oil pastels today, and I was happy that I actually had some. My chalk pastels far outnumber my oil ones, and that's said, because I love my oil pastels. In my drawing class we have to use them to draw a fruit or vegetable and give it an emotion. So I picked an eggplant, and it's emotion is depression. My eggplant is a depressed eggplant. It's awesome.

I'm listening to La Vie Boheme, and it's amazing. Ashes is listening to Rent right now too! O_o o_O She's listening to the song that happens right after the one I'm listening to. That is so weird. "To riding your bike midday past the three-piece suits. To fruits, to no absolutes. To absolute! To choice, to the village voice. To any passing fad. To being an us for once, instead of a them! La vie Boheme!" Yay random Rent quotes! There's a section about vegan food, and it makes me happy.

I might get to bake tomorrow, so I'm excited. I love Rent, I wanna watch it. I dunno man. I'm lovin' my art project, really I am. It's my favorite so far. The others I pretty much hated. But this one... it's awesome.

Still suffering without Sing The Sorrow.


Jesus Of Suburbia

So it's the last 11 minutes of class, so I'm writing a blog. It would make more sense if I started this earlier, but I didn't, so there. Ashes and I made art today, kind of. I'm going to make a frame for it, and that should be fun. So like... Dude Ashes asked to prom said no, and she's all depressed, and it makes me depressed, because I like seeing my friends happy.

On top of that, Mikey is depressed, and that sucks beacuse... I'm like... in love with the boy... So his unhappiness makes me super super unhappy. And I dunno man. Bob Torres talked to me again, and I was all like, "YAY!" Because he squeed, again, and it was epically amazing. Ten minutes left, will I finish on time? It's like a race to type fast and get all my ideas in this white space.

So like... I have an idea for this contest the school library has, and I can't wait to enact it. I'm excited about it. I also have an idea for a digital photography contest, but I don't know how I'm going to pull it off. Maybe I'll paint rocks. OOH! I can totally paint rocks! I am so going to do that! Awesome! I can't wait to tell Mrs. Davis this idea. It'll be awesome.

Still suffering without Sing The Sorrow


Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Again, I am in digital photography. I just gave Ashes direction, that I should follow myself. Lord knows I've been trying. We're watching Lion King in World Literature, and I'm lovin' it. I love disney movies. I can't exactly say why, but I do. Great Mouse Detective is an awesome movie. I love it dearly. I thought about writing a fanfic for it, and it was a pretty good idea.

I'm listening to Evanescence, and feeling somewhere between depressed, and happy. It's a weird feeling, and one that I seem to be experiencing quite often. At least I look pretty good today, thanks to Ashes. I just took a picture of the outside of the window, because I could. I think I'm going to be a camera ninja today. It seems like it should be really fun. I should be doing my digital photography assignment, but I don't feel like it. I have to take a picture at home, and I forgot to do that, so I'm all like, "eh." Rawr.

Still suffering without Sing The Sorrow


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Catch A Hot One

I'm at home, and writing a blog. I would have written a blog in digital photography, but I just didn't feel like it. So here I sit. My grandma just brought me some food in the form of avacado rolls, and I love them dearly. They iz soooo delicious!

I've been having a pretty good couple days. Ashes and Sierra came over yesterday and we had a grand time. I spent the weekend with my friends in White Pigeon, and it was AWESOME! On Friday I went dress shopping with Leigh Ann and Theresa, and I got a beautiful prom dress. I might be going to three proms this year, if everything goes well. And I just lost the game. I'm going to my prom, Sturgis prom, and hopefully White Pigeon's prom. I would love that.

On Saturday, Theresa cut my hair, and styled it. It looked amazing! Then she dressed me in her clothes. I wore a black and gray-ish stripped shirt, a vest, and her jeans. To top it all off, I wore Amanda's converse and Theresa's hat. I looked really awesome. She also did my make-up which also looked amazing. Then Theresa, Mac, and I went to the mall, and while Mac was playing video games at the video game store, Theresa and I went to Victoria's Secret so that I could get sized. I will not reveal my size, for personal reasons. Then we got Mac, and Theresa used an amazing, guy's pick-up line which was; "You must be from Ireland, because my penis is doublin'" It was epic. So we had chinese food for lunch, and then went to an art show at the Kalamazoo Art Institute, which Theresa had a peice in. One guy I knew, Eli was also there, and he had two blown glass pieces, and they were really beautiful. He won a $100 prize.

Sunday Ally came over, and we all had brunch which consisted of eggs, bacon, potatoes, and vegan pancakes. It was really super good! And then Ally asked me to go to the Sturgis prom with her, so that's why I get to go to that. And I got to see Kayden, Ally's baby, and he is ssssooooooo cute! He's got to be the most adorable baby I have ever seen! And after a few hours of hanging out with them, I went home.

I'm having good days, and it's awesome.

Still suffering without Sing The Sorrow


Friday, March 27, 2009

Polygraph, Right Now!

If you haven't noticed, I'm titling these blogs after songs. So youtube is gay, and pisses me off. I deleted my account, and it's not coming back. I refuse to go back unless one of two things happen.
1. They let audio back in their videos with no questions asked
2. They get more options in that "approved audio library" of theirs.
They took away the audio in my video, and I was given the option of replacing it with something from their library, but they had nothing. I didn't know any of the names listed in it, so I was like, "Screw this," and deleted my account.

I'm in digital photography, about to get ready to take a test which I'm probably going to fail. At this point I really don't care. Last hour was pretty interesting though. At least this sub was relatively cool. Better than yesterday's that's for sure. "But who can decide what they dream? And dream I do." Hooray for random Evanescence quotes! I have one reader, and that's it. I feel so unloved except by Ashes, who is my follower. Perhaps I'll aquire more later, but it seems iffy.
"I knew you loved me then." More random Evanescence.

Still suffering without Sing The Sorrow


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our Friend Lazarus Sleeps

I made a cool video just a few minutes ago. It's a compilation of pictures I took, and the song is Don't Change, by AFI. It turned out pretty good. I am satisfied. I just lost the game. Satisfaction is gone. I just got left, but it's okay.

I'm going to go see Beauty and the Beast tonight. I'm pretty excited about it, 'cause I know it's going to be cool. And then tomorrow I get to go to White Pigeon and go see some of my friends there, and I get my camera back. I'm not the only one happy about that, though I don't know why everyone is all like, "RAWR!" about it. I mean, it's in a safe place, so what's the big deal?

I'm still pissed at my mom, and that is not apt to change for many moons. She just... really pisses me off sometimes. It's nice writing blogs on this site, because my dad can't read them like he did the ones on myspace. It made me go "RAWR!" But that's what I get for writing blogs on myspace. So like... I'm bored.

I'm still suffering without my Sing The Sorrow CD


Speeding Up The Octaves

I'm in digital photography again. Most of my blog writing happens in this class, and I'm beginning to wonder why. After all, I should be doing my work, and trying to get ahead. But... I don't want to. I'm beginnning to regret signing up for this class, but every once in a while it manages to be enjoyable. I'm just glad I have Aoi (my iPod) back. I don't know how much longer I could have lived without him. Yes, I think of my ipod as a male. It was the same with my last one, Ichigo.

Last hour was terrible. We had a sub, and she wouldn't let me sit next to Ashes, and she was checking questions, which is dumb because we get no credit for them. The questions are optional. We're reading Hamlet you see, and we have a study guide to go with it. But filling it out is completely optional, yet advised for you can use it on the quizes. I like the class as a whole, but hate subs. GAY!!!!

Ashes is writing an MCR fanfic, and it's turning out really good. I'm writing a novel, which is also turning out pretty good. I want to write more, but then I'd get caught, and that's not something I can really risk. I don't like getting in trouble. I just got a permission slip to leave campus for Digital Photography, but I can't drive. Rawr.

I'm still suffering from a lack of Sing The Sorrow.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thirteen Ghosts

I missed school today. It was because my foot kept me up half the night. I could have gone in late... but I didn't. So around one thirty I walked up to the video store and rented Thirteen Ghosts. I then watched it, and now I'm watching it again with my mom. She loves this movie. I went up there to get Bye Bye Birdie, but they didn't have it, so I got this instead because I was in the mood for a scary movie. While I was watching it, I noticed that the lawyer guy looked like this one dude in The Producers, so I'm gonna go to IMDB soon and check if they're the same person.

I read Ashes's blog earlier, and I saw she was bored, so I'm taking the opportunity to say, I'm sorry for leaving you. I loves you lots! Like a sister of course. XD

Sometimes, being single sucks. But on the bright side, Theresa is going to see if she can get this dude from Finland to go to the White Pigeon Prom with me. =D I hope she can pull it off, because I guess he's really cool. And I believe that he'll know German, and I know German. It should be fun. =3

I have to contact Jessica and Ally now, and let them know I'm gonna be in town this weekend. I got caught up on all the goings-ons, and stuff, so... I get to be a mediator, and I'm excited about that. I get to flex my master debating skills, and that is a very good thing. I do so love to debate and wheedle people into doing things.

I finally charged Aoi, so I'll be able to listen to him as I walk to school in the morning! Yay!


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Four Times In One Hour

I burned myself four times in one hour. It was painful. See in Forensics, we were doing a lab that had to do with fibers, and some of that involved holding them near a candle to see if they moved towards or away from the flame and if they had a smell. Well, I burnt my thumb while lighting a candle, then some hot wax got on my hand, and then I stuck my finger in the wax once, and it was really hot, and then I did it again a little later, but it was still hot. Four times. It sucks, and my thumb still hurts.

I discovered something new today. Eating the school's ravioli is tedious. It's tedious because I had to pick out the ravioli, open it up as if performing surgery, get the meat out of it, and then I was able to eat it. But it was worth it, because I'm somewhat full. At least more full than I am most days after lunch. Being a high school vegan is sometimes difficult.

I'm in my german class now, and I wrote my essay, so I figured I might as well write a blog as well. I mean, blogs are cool, especially when written in german class. I'm bored, and I miss Ashes, but she went home. And then since the seat next to me at the lunch table was empty, my stalker sat next to me. I do my best to be nice to him, but... Rawr.

On the bright side, I have art club today. I do so love art club. I just hope Vicky doesn't try to attack me, because Ashes isn't here, and I doubt I'll get much protection from Mella. *Sigh* Oh well... I might post another blog later, if I'm still alive.


Digital Photography Boredom

I'm writing a blog in Digital photography because I'm bored, and have no desire what-so-ever to do my assignmnet, which is really bad, but I don't care. We're working on portraits, and this involves reading many pages. I don't like eet at all.

You know what I do like? Banana chips. I like banana chips, and I have some right now. I have them because I went with Ashes and Sese to Walgreens across from the school this morning, and nearly got hit by a car twice. But totally worth it for the chips. Delicious they are. I almost died three times today. Once in the student parking lot, once crossing the street to Walgreens, and the last crossing the street back to the school. Isn't that awful? Almost dying three times in fifteen minutes. Scary. Is life out to get me?

I drank some Jasmine tea last night, and it was really good. I added an absurd amount of sugar, and next time I shan't do that, but it was still tasty. Hopefully Ashie is coming over today and can have some tea with me. I think we'll have some Chinese Gunpowder tea, because it's really good. If she does come over, we're so playing Metal Gear Solid, because she needs to see Revolver Ocelot. Ooh, and Psycho Mantis, because Psycho Mantis is flippin' cool!

I miss Aoi (my iPod). I need to charge him, and I've been busy lately, so I haven't had time. But I can probably charge it later on today. I also have to call Theresa's mommy today when I get home. We have to make plans for da weekend. I get to see Theresa, and I'm really happy! This is getting long.

I dunno what else to write so this is.........


Monday, March 23, 2009

Absurd Amounts of Sugar

I went to Chan's Garden today and I got a large order of vegetable lo mein. And not only was it delicious, but it was also nutritious. XD I also got Jasmine tea and free cookies! I always get free cookies when I go to Chan's. The lady who owns the place loves me, and she's really nice. I like her a lot. So now I have three different kinds of teas in my house, and all of them are delicious.

Davey pwns Gerard because Davey is awesome. I might drink some of my tea later. because tea is really really good. I'm in love with a man I can never have, and it's somewhat depressing, and Shawn still hasn't told me if he'll go to prom with me or not.

I AM THE PIE PROPHET! This has been proven by Ashes! I predicted she would eat pie, and she did on the designated day. But I predicted cherry, and she ate chocolate, but it still starts with a C! I am awesome, and the pie prophet. I can predict pie for you too! Just drop me a line yo.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Check it!

Looks at me everybodys! I has a blog now! I am so cool, because having a blog automatically makes me cool, does it not? I'm sure no one will read this, but that's okay, because it permits me to be as random as I please, and I do love being random. Oh look, purple ducks.

So my novel is going nowhere. But that's okay, because I'm sure I'll get ideas soon. But right now I want to write a different one, and I don't know where this other one is, and it makes me sad. I can probably find it, but I'd have to go to my grandmas for that, and I don't have a lot of ways to get there. It sucks, because I need the notebook. I also need one of my cd's, and I don't know where it is. I cry.

It's Sunday, and I have school tomorrow. I'm hungry. This is the end.