Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Digital Photography Boredom

I'm writing a blog in Digital photography because I'm bored, and have no desire what-so-ever to do my assignmnet, which is really bad, but I don't care. We're working on portraits, and this involves reading many pages. I don't like eet at all.

You know what I do like? Banana chips. I like banana chips, and I have some right now. I have them because I went with Ashes and Sese to Walgreens across from the school this morning, and nearly got hit by a car twice. But totally worth it for the chips. Delicious they are. I almost died three times today. Once in the student parking lot, once crossing the street to Walgreens, and the last crossing the street back to the school. Isn't that awful? Almost dying three times in fifteen minutes. Scary. Is life out to get me?

I drank some Jasmine tea last night, and it was really good. I added an absurd amount of sugar, and next time I shan't do that, but it was still tasty. Hopefully Ashie is coming over today and can have some tea with me. I think we'll have some Chinese Gunpowder tea, because it's really good. If she does come over, we're so playing Metal Gear Solid, because she needs to see Revolver Ocelot. Ooh, and Psycho Mantis, because Psycho Mantis is flippin' cool!

I miss Aoi (my iPod). I need to charge him, and I've been busy lately, so I haven't had time. But I can probably charge it later on today. I also have to call Theresa's mommy today when I get home. We have to make plans for da weekend. I get to see Theresa, and I'm really happy! This is getting long.

I dunno what else to write so this is.........


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