Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Break

So Thanksgiving break is fast approaching, and I honestly cannot not wait.......... for it to be over. I like spending time with my family and whatnot, but they drive me insane, and I really don't like being around them for long periods of time, save my brother. But I have to go home, I have no other choice. Not only would my family chew me out for the rest of my natural life (yeah, they'd haunt me as ghosts), but my dorms are closing. So I'm going home. But I plan on spending as much time with my brother as humanly possible, even if I'm forced to have a headache from him pounding on suitcases pretending they're drums, and even if he has to kill me half a million times on James Bond video games. I love my brother, and I need to spend more time with him.

But there are some things I still want to do at home. Like have Thanksgiving at my grandparent's house. It's always been our tradition, and really it would be a shame to break it seeing as this is my first year away from home, and I'm still in the adjustment period (not really, but there's no better way to say it). That, and it gives me an excuse to see my grandma, something I really don't look forward to seeing as my grandma is a racist bitch. I know she's family and I should love her faults as well as the rest of her, but really all her faults do is make me want to tear my hair out and jump off a really tall building.

Also I have to spend time with my dad otherwise he'll go all psycho on me and guilt trip me until I cry. I'm serious, he's done that before. But I'm looking forward to the video games. I love me some video games. And that's all I can think to write.

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