Sunday, March 22, 2009

Check it!

Looks at me everybodys! I has a blog now! I am so cool, because having a blog automatically makes me cool, does it not? I'm sure no one will read this, but that's okay, because it permits me to be as random as I please, and I do love being random. Oh look, purple ducks.

So my novel is going nowhere. But that's okay, because I'm sure I'll get ideas soon. But right now I want to write a different one, and I don't know where this other one is, and it makes me sad. I can probably find it, but I'd have to go to my grandmas for that, and I don't have a lot of ways to get there. It sucks, because I need the notebook. I also need one of my cd's, and I don't know where it is. I cry.

It's Sunday, and I have school tomorrow. I'm hungry. This is the end.

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