Monday, September 21, 2009

A Time To Rant

I just need to rant about this, because it bugs me whenever someone says this. I'm a vegan, and there are certain facts I know about my dietary choices. Such as vegans taste better, and if a guy goes without eating meat for a day, he tastes better. But nooo apparently I just got that off a 'biased vegan website.' Because meat eating sites, and things written by omnivores aren't biased. Yeeeeahhh, k then. It bugs me, because vegans don't lie about shit like that, it actually causes a step BACKWARDS from the actual goal; converting people to veganism, and saving more animals. Yes, we're going to lie, so you can find out we're liars and stop being vegan. Yep, sounds like a great plan to me.
Okay, I'm done now.

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