Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Catch A Hot One

I'm at home, and writing a blog. I would have written a blog in digital photography, but I just didn't feel like it. So here I sit. My grandma just brought me some food in the form of avacado rolls, and I love them dearly. They iz soooo delicious!

I've been having a pretty good couple days. Ashes and Sierra came over yesterday and we had a grand time. I spent the weekend with my friends in White Pigeon, and it was AWESOME! On Friday I went dress shopping with Leigh Ann and Theresa, and I got a beautiful prom dress. I might be going to three proms this year, if everything goes well. And I just lost the game. I'm going to my prom, Sturgis prom, and hopefully White Pigeon's prom. I would love that.

On Saturday, Theresa cut my hair, and styled it. It looked amazing! Then she dressed me in her clothes. I wore a black and gray-ish stripped shirt, a vest, and her jeans. To top it all off, I wore Amanda's converse and Theresa's hat. I looked really awesome. She also did my make-up which also looked amazing. Then Theresa, Mac, and I went to the mall, and while Mac was playing video games at the video game store, Theresa and I went to Victoria's Secret so that I could get sized. I will not reveal my size, for personal reasons. Then we got Mac, and Theresa used an amazing, guy's pick-up line which was; "You must be from Ireland, because my penis is doublin'" It was epic. So we had chinese food for lunch, and then went to an art show at the Kalamazoo Art Institute, which Theresa had a peice in. One guy I knew, Eli was also there, and he had two blown glass pieces, and they were really beautiful. He won a $100 prize.

Sunday Ally came over, and we all had brunch which consisted of eggs, bacon, potatoes, and vegan pancakes. It was really super good! And then Ally asked me to go to the Sturgis prom with her, so that's why I get to go to that. And I got to see Kayden, Ally's baby, and he is ssssooooooo cute! He's got to be the most adorable baby I have ever seen! And after a few hours of hanging out with them, I went home.

I'm having good days, and it's awesome.

Still suffering without Sing The Sorrow


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