Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thirteen Ghosts

I missed school today. It was because my foot kept me up half the night. I could have gone in late... but I didn't. So around one thirty I walked up to the video store and rented Thirteen Ghosts. I then watched it, and now I'm watching it again with my mom. She loves this movie. I went up there to get Bye Bye Birdie, but they didn't have it, so I got this instead because I was in the mood for a scary movie. While I was watching it, I noticed that the lawyer guy looked like this one dude in The Producers, so I'm gonna go to IMDB soon and check if they're the same person.

I read Ashes's blog earlier, and I saw she was bored, so I'm taking the opportunity to say, I'm sorry for leaving you. I loves you lots! Like a sister of course. XD

Sometimes, being single sucks. But on the bright side, Theresa is going to see if she can get this dude from Finland to go to the White Pigeon Prom with me. =D I hope she can pull it off, because I guess he's really cool. And I believe that he'll know German, and I know German. It should be fun. =3

I have to contact Jessica and Ally now, and let them know I'm gonna be in town this weekend. I got caught up on all the goings-ons, and stuff, so... I get to be a mediator, and I'm excited about that. I get to flex my master debating skills, and that is a very good thing. I do so love to debate and wheedle people into doing things.

I finally charged Aoi, so I'll be able to listen to him as I walk to school in the morning! Yay!


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